Casa Sarticola


Normal Balance of Accounts: Definition and Examples

A country with a large trade surplus is exporting capital and running a capital account deficit, which means money is flowing out of the country in exchange for increased ownership of foreign assets. The first part of knowing what to debit and what to credit in accounting is knowing the[...]

How Long Do the Different Drugs Stay in Your System

Crystal meth can stay in the system longer than a weaker form of the same drug. The question is, how long does crystal meth stay in your system? One of the main reasons to be aware of how long meth remains in the system is the risk of overdose. Crystal meth[...]

U S. Department of Commerce DOC

Cortelyou served only a year before being called to manage Roosevelt’s presidential campaign in June, 1904. But his successor, California congressman Victor H. Metcalf, found that the work of organizing the Department had been “as thorough and complete” as was possible. The new Department of Commerce and Labor was one[...]